Monday, July 21, 2014

I'm 35 and rich.

Yep, you read that correctly.  I turned 35 years old this year and I. Am. Rich.  Just not in the conventional sense.  You see, I've read a lot of bucket lists and at one point I had my own.  I don't know where that list is anymore but most of it involved traveling.  I wrote the list 8.5 years ago after a very tough life experience, when I decided I needed to crash my own pity party, find my big girl panties, and stand in the tallest heels I owned.  I mustered up the courage and confidence that I had lost during the previous year and decided to cross one of those destinations off.  Alaska, I'm coming for you!  Fortunately my best friend lived while it was sort of adventurous, it was also on the safe side.  This is where my wealth begins. 

In Alaska, I spent time with my best friend of 20 years (having a confidant that long is a gift I could not be more grateful for) and while I was there, in the freezing temps of February, I met my now husband.  Since that trip, my bucket list began to fade and something far more valuable began to develop.  A family.  The guy and I ultimately married and we now have two unbelievable boys.  They are the beat of my heart.  I learn from them every day, they help me see things simply and unadulterated, and they absolutely crack me up.  I am so very rich, but wait, there's more.

Sometime around 6 years ago a friend from middle school found me on MySpace.  We chatted now and then but it took a few months before we met up in person.  It was so good to see her again and we had a great time.  I can hardly believe 6 years has flown by!  She has inspired me in countless ways.  She is strong, creative, intelligent, a leader for certain, and has persevered through things no person should ever have to face.  I am a better person for knowing her, that much is simple. 

Through this friend, I have met The Chicas.  A group of brilliant, witty, funny-as-hell, creative, amazing women that have accepted me and all of my attributes both good and bad.  I've heard everyone needs a support system and the old adage "it takes a village"....well these girls are it for me.  They have picked me up, laughed with me, guided me, and allowed me to support them in return.  We works so well together giving perspective and experience and sometimes just the quiet ear to let our troubles flow. 

So here I am.  35 years old.  Married to a genuinely good guy.  Two beautiful kids.  A best friend can I put it into words....we've been friends since we were 15.  Think of all the things you've experienced since you were 15.  Now try to sum it up.  I hope I'm not the only one at a loss for words.  And last but certainly not least, The Chicas.  My life is full of the greatest gifts on earth and I feel love every single day.